Sunday, June 20, 2010


Last night the sky was absolutely gorgeous. Honestly, I've never seen the sky as amazing as it was last night. It was so cool. Half the sky was stormy with dark clouds, and the other half had clouds that had the sun shining through them. It was like two different personalities. The pretty clouds made me think about how good God is, and the storm clouds made me think about how mighty and powerful he is at the same time. Sometimes we forget that the God who gave us baby Jesus, is also the God that struck Ananias and Sapphira dead.
I bet that God has a lot of fun creating the sunsets, making each one unique. The brilliant colors just leave me in awe.
I think that this verse says it all.
Psalm 113:3
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.

Well, goodnight everyone. And tomorrow, don't forget to thank God for his beautiful sunsets. Take time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. :D


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this word Mal. I saw and was greatly impressed with that same sky Saturday night. Greta and I and the kids went out to eat in Cherokee and then got groceries and we watched that sky the whole way home. Yes, God is tender and warm and loving, but He is also unquestionably mighty and powerful and is to be feared. Thanks for the godly reminders. It was great to hang out with you and your family last night. We are praying your dad gets back safe and soon.
